Is a programme that was born in the spring of 2020 thanks to a collaboration between The Institute of Co-operative Digital Economy (ICDE), THE NEW SCHOOL of New York, Mondragon Team Academy – Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the MONDRAGON Group (The Basque Country).

It is an online course that promotes entrepreneurship in teams, the development of new co-operative digital platforms as well as the creation of an international community. The programme’s purpose is to raise awareness of the opportunity that platform co-operatives offer as well as to train people to be able to create new ones. 

At a time when the concentration of big tech companies is increasing, this course is not limited to generating an analysis and vigilance of capitalism.

Programmes Programmes Programmes Programmes Programmes Programmes

Also prepares participants to be successful platform entrepreneurs in an exponentially growing ecosystem that is the gig economy

It gives them the opportunity to analyse, get involved and form part of a generation of young leaders that experiment with innovative creation strategies of consolidated power in co-operative property of a new type of cooperation work: platform co-operatives. Let us imagine that Uber belongs to its drivers and Twitter belongs to its users.

This is the jump of the sharing economy, an economy that is truly participative.

A shared and democratic economy is possible.

This course has been designed for people who:

Anyone in the political field, public roles, institutions or academics and anyone that is not actively developing a co-operative platform can participate in this itinerary
Want to live a radical learning experience with team entrepreneurship methodologies developed by the entrepreneurial unit of Mondragon Unibertsitatea: Mondragon Team Academy.
Are unemployed or need to change their professional career and are looking to work with dignity, especially in the service sectors.
Want a work environment that has dignity and a digital form, where the ownership and governance of the digital platform, through what is communicated between the different ecosystem agents, is shared.
Belong to co-operatives that are in a transition towards platform co-operatives.
Want to know more about how they can translate participative and democratic governance to the digital world.

Introduction to the gig and platform economy

The cooperative advantage. The Mondragon Experience

Scaling the worker co-op model: Platform cooperatives

Case studies


Research & policy work stream [ONLY AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH]

Anyone in the political field, public roles, institutions or academics and anyone that is not actively developing a co-operative platform can participate in this itinerary. The research path will be led by  Trebor Scholz, referent in this field, with a weekly session.

Entrepreneurial work stream

This is a totally autonomous course that will not have personal monitoring (people or projects) by the central team.It is possible to connect with local agents/partners who can decide on a more personalised follow-up.*

*In Spain, there will be a weekly meeting between the local partners and participants.

Introduction to part 2

The team creation

Cooperative structure and governance model

The need, opportunities & value proposition

Design thinking and MVP

Customer validation

Platform co-op business model generation

Technology framework

Financial and legal framework



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